Climate Change Deniers Present Graphic Description Of What Earth Must Look Like For Them To Believe

I consider myself a denier as in it's not bad. We do heat up, and I'm sure we will cool down. WHY??? Because it's what has been happening since the beginning. Looking at tree rings, the last 20 years, or even our oceans and ice caps... it's the normal things that has been going on for millions and millions of years. I belive with today's tech, more people can report more problems around the world, so it seems like there is more going on. But 50 years ago, nobody would know or care about a huge typhoon in the ocean that hits no land, most wouldn't even know about it. Or a fires in the desert scrub brush of Australia, it would go unnoticed, but today, it would make front pages.

So to see something that would change my mind to make me stand up and fight for climate change???

Anything that Al Gore tried to scare us with would of worked. Huge hurricanes year after year ripping up the US, or the north pole melting away where we can take a cruise to the north pole, or all the polar bears dying off. But everything that the alarmist have used as proof that we are all in for some bad times has not happened. In fact, when their deadline for action gets close, they kick the can another 30 years down the road. So with that, I can't truly trust something that has no proof, and no results. I can't take it on "faith" either. If you look at religions, they can go back 1000's of years with books, and artifacts that show or at least hint to higher beings. But alarmist can't go back 100 years without proving them self wrong. I mean what has the temp of the earth changed in the last 100 to 200 years?? How much have we heated up before co2 and after co2???

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