Climate change: Greta Thunberg calls out the 'haters'. "Going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour and my differences". Anything, she says, rather than talk about the climate crisis.

What makes you think I believe that? Why are you so delusional in your responses? It's like you have the IQ of a single cell organism.

The earth was warming since long before today. We don't know if the increase of 1C is 99% from humans or 4% human activity since say the 1950s. We don't know anything for sure. It's statistical data and models, aka predictions. Like I said, I'm not a climate skeptic. I believe we do have an impact. However, I don't believe the 12 year bullshit nor the crazy as fuck ideas the progressives have.

You however, seem really interested in arguing with someone who ISNT AGAINST YOUR SIDE. You are literally why millions are being driven to the other side of the isle. Your ravenous virtue signalling and putting words into other people's mouths is disgusting. Please get some help.

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