Climate change skeptic thought he'd found a real zinger of a post to share

My pleasure, I'm really enjoying it! You've put more thought into this than most.

My only concern is your lack of metrics and concrete parameters for what is outcome and what is opportunity. And this boils down to what is inherently biological and what isn't. Personally, I think it is a little dangerous to dive headfirst into social engineering without having established what is and isn't pragmatic in manipulating.

Very very rough example: there is clear discrepency in male/female ratios in engineering. The actual pathway is equal, but are there social barriers? Or is it neurological? If social, how do we break them? Incentive programs to change society's "gender roles"? If so, at what point do we conclude the incentives and establish their success/failure?

I guess my primary complaint is that there are a lot of intangibles at work here.

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