You want to climb so you take the advice of pros and only have a champion pool of three. Which three and why?

Position: Support

Champion: Zyra

• I love supporting with damage, it means I can hold my own if I get kills. Still has enough utility to be effective without kills. I just love the playstyle of poking with plants.

Champion: Alistar

• My previous main. Big tanky frontline that can either be the engage or disengage depending on what my team needs. Great whenever top/jgl doesn't pick a tank, although I haven't really gotten used to the new E and play him less as a result.

Champion: Zilean

• One of the most fun supports to play, but quite difficult since I'm solo. Every matchup is a skill based one and winnable. I love the combo's you can do and saving allies with ult. I very much dislike how much more toxic my team seems to be whenever I misplay which means I now /muteall whenever I play Zilean.

I know I can only list 3, but I have Karma/Trundle as backup. I only pick Trundle into a melee support+another tank on the enemy team. I pick Karma if my Zyra gets taken and I don't feel like picking Zilean.

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