Clinical review: Psilocybin therapy could be significantly better than current psychiatric treatments

Can confirm this.

I suffered from depression, anxiety, addiction, and low self-esteem for as long as I can remember.

Early last year, I broke up with a girl who I thought I would marry, was pretty fucked up over it and fell into a downward spiral that could have ended my life. I was constantly suicidal, in mental agony, using drugs/sex/whatever to try to make the pain go away...

I started therapy called DBT, and started meditating more frequently, which helped relieve the pain A LOT...but the low self-esteem lingered. I couldn't stand myself. I hated who I'd become in life.

To make a long story short, I took a large dose of mushrooms at the end of the year last year and my life hasn't been the same ever since.

I had a spiritual experience or spiritual awakening and was instantly a new man. I never felt like an adult before that day. At 26 years old, about to be 27, I finally felt true confidence and the freedom to be completely and unabashedly myself.

I've never been happier or more fulfilled. Depression has left me entirely, and when negative thoughts start to creep in, I can shut them down quickly instead of allowing them to go into an ongoing loop. I haven't had the desire to use hard drugs at all. I feel capable, and in control of myself and my life, which had never been the case before.

I feel amazing. I feel true confidence, and self-love. I feel gratitude and love for those who were with me through my darkest days, and I know in my heart I'll never go back. I feel free.

I highly recommend that everyone takes a large dose of mushrooms and spends some time looking in the mirror soul searching. At the very least, you'll get a fresh perspective (I had tripped before, without having the crazy awakening I had on the last one, but each time was useful and healing).

If you're going through a hard time, please feel free to reach out to me--happy to share my experience with overcoming these issues.

ANYONE can change. ANYONE can develop healthy self-esteem, self-love and a lasting positive attitude on life. I didn't believe that until it happened to me, so if you think it's bullshit, I completely understand.

To be clear: I don't credit the mushrooms entirely for my recovery. It took a lot of hard work and I was in therapy for a long time. DBT and meditation played a massive role in the process.

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