"That was a close one, we almost missed our exit"

I used to live one state over from my dad, and I'd make the 8 hour trip almost every weekend because he was getting up in years.

Heading down I-70 east in Kansas on a very long and wide stretch of lonely highway towards home, over the course of about 20 minutes, I slowly overtook the only other vehicle traveling the same direction within sight. We also happened to be passing by a highway patrol car situated in the median, which seemed to attract the attention of the other motorist.

It's that moment they started drifting into my lane, and when they noticed me, they jerked their vehicle TOWARDS my car. I'm driving a tiny Z4 and my opponent is in one of those abortious Honda Elements; any impact would have removed any trace of my existence from this world.

I slammed my foot brake, jerked back my emergency stopping lever, and engaged a violent cycle of the steering wheel away from my imminent death.

The tires screamed and spit up debris as I made three and a half complete revolutions in the middle of the highway. The patrolman immediately pulled out and jerked his pursuit charger into position next to me and rolled down his window.

"Sir, are you alright?"

I'm shaken and flushed. "Yeah, I think I'm good... holy shit. That was fucking close"

"Okay, that's good. I want you to know that looked awesome. I saw everything, I'm going to go get her"

"Oh thank god. Do you need me for anything ... or should I ... am I good to just keep driving?"

"Pretty clear fault. If you're good to go I don't need you"

I waved on my brave knight and he shot out of the scene like a bullet. Several minutes later I pass the officer learning against the vile Element, give him a honk-tap and a wave, and rewarded myself with a Qdoba chips and queso treat when I filled up in Topeka. This is before they changed their menu and got gross.

/r/WTF Thread Parent Link - thumbs.gfycat.com