A Closer Look at the Forward Party

Be okay if there was a 3rd Party that was created from members of Congress that were against the death penalty, pro choice, pro quality of life, pro 2A, for universal healthcare, for privatization as an adjunct not a replacement to services, for equality, for Election reform, for transparency in the government, pro grassroot, flat income tax, consumption tax, better funding for education across the US, for expanding the social safety net, for free market, for less red tape with immigration, against subsidies in the energy/agricultural sectors, pro small farmers, pro universal public education, pro senior tax prebate, pro child tax prebate, pro ending tax witholdings, pro ending tax returns, for ending married tax status, raising the minimum wage, expanding on protecting workers rights, for more transparency in the government, and for negative income tax. Then once established in Congress start expanding campaign to elect more into various positions across the US.

/r/moderatepolitics Thread Parent Link - onpolicy.substack.com