I have a clue to the Wolf And The Lamb.

Then, something, someone said "If you haven't eaten MacDonald's burgers in the last [ ], [ ]." It's hard to remember, I can remember people. I can remember the malicious tones in people's voices. This meanness whenever someone would come on the news. When that message got out, I remember one adult in my community just like telling them off in the most malicious tone. It was freaky man. It was like everyday was night even when it was daylight. People would literally wander outside in a daze. Everyone was just walking in the streets as if... I can't remember.

The television started showing these graphic scenes of violence and such, worse than what I've seen even on the net or television ever. It was like entertainment, and everyone wanted it. They would like slobber as they watched it, ALL the adults. Us kids, seemed OK I think?

I can remember the cheers, oh man the cheers. They were loud. If someone cheered at one point, another would cheer not so far, like a wave of celebration. It was like a giant party in Hell.

It was like one day, it was announced that the adults everyone would agree to "forget" what happened. I can't remember.

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