Clueless, Part Duh - John Q. Public

I'm genuinely curious to hear some feedback on stuff like this. The more I am moving up in rank the more I can sort of relate to what is happening here. Yes, Top 3 and organizations like it are dumb, but do you think that CMSgt Miller has the power to say to big blue "yeah our installation ain't doing that b/c we didn't have any nominations b/c it's dumb".

Why are we singling out individuals? I do believe that these Chiefs are disconnected, but they are under pressure too. A lot of the motivational speeches, etc... just seem like them doing their best to still meet the many requirements and deadlines levied upon them by the big bullshit.

Yes they are the ones to fight for us against that stuff, but they are supposed to do that in private. They aren't going to, and shouldn't, broadcast to all of us Airman at a Commander's Call that they are fighting the system. They are supposed to make us still love the AF if they can.

I'm just confused? We can gripe about the AF and it's degrading culture, but why target individuals like this... I think he is just doing his best.

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