CMV: Abortion (in most cases) is morally wrong.

Since you think it’s wrong to kill anything that’s alive, I’m assuming you don’t eat anything? Plants are alive and animals aren’t just alive, they are sentient too.

I think in most cases of abortion we are dealing with a nonsentient being, so it’s not immoral to kill it. Even when it is sentient, I think that negative rights override positive rights. A fetus cannot stay alive without relying on the woman that is pregnant with it. Women have a right to bodily autonomy. So, if a woman refuses to let a fetus live off her body, that’s within her rights. The same way no one is entitled to your spare kidney to live, a fetus isn’t entitled to a woman’s body. You might be in effect “killing” the individual whose life was dependent on you, but you aren’t taking anything away that belonged to them.

/r/changemyview Thread