cmv: Abortion is a murder of potential person. And if it is immoral to murder a person, it is immoral to murder potential person.

Yes, it is.

If I agree to give a sick person my kidney, I have the right to change my mind at any point until I'm literally on the operating table. Even if the surgery is relatively safe, I can change my mind for any reason, because it's my body.

Maybe I just don't want the ugly scar the surgery leaves. Maybe I'm scared of the nausea the surgery causes. Maybe I was drunk when I agreed to it. Maybe I dislike the fact that I have to give up alcohol for a while. Maybe I don't like that the surgery makes me fat. Maybe I underestimated the fact that the surgery takes NINE MONTHS. Maybe some of my family members had the same surgery and all had varying complications.

My body is my temple, and just because I accidentally left the door open, that does not give you the right to take up residence in there. I can kick you out if I want to.

My house, my rules. My body, my choice.

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