CMV: After researching Andrew Tate extensively, I believe him going viral is a net positive for the world.

Except where I disagree is that it’s completely impractical to believe every man COULD even be like Andrew if they wanted to. He has clearly put on an image for himself where to a certain extent it’s exaggerated, or completely facetious.

I’d also like to mention that I don’t look up to him in the sense I would ever want to be the character he is, I just believe that he is such a unique enigma in today’s culture that the true misfortune would be having his appearance not result in any benefit to society. Again my idea is that people overall are inherently good, therefore any ‘call to action’ on both sides of the debate should yield a net positive.

I don’t believe grown men can see that easily influenced into behaving the way he does.

“Those persuaded against their will are of the same persuasion still” - a quote I like to say.

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