CMV: Allowing hateful speech is important because hateful people will prove themselves wrong but suppressing their speech will rally people to their cause

You told me that anti-islam speech is hate speech, I've shown you it isn't.

No, you haven't, because you can't. Anti-Islamic speech is by definition hate speech. Criticism of Islam is not necessarily hate speech or even anti-Islamic, but anti-Islamic speech is hate speech.

You seem to have confused criticism of Islam with being anti-Islam. They're not the same thing.

The beliefs of people in the religion aren't relevant to criticisms of the core tenets and content of scripture of a religion.

If Islam teaches all of its adherents that the West is evil and must be destroyed, but the majority don't follow those teachings, then it doesn't matter what Islam teaches. Actions speak louder than words.

I could show you many polls that show problematic beliefs within the adherents of the religion

I can show you a poll or study to verify anything. I could show you a poll showing that their problematic beliefs are shared by many non-Muslims as well (homophobia and sexism, for example).

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