CMV: Allowing your child to be overweight should be considered abuse/neglect.

I have ARFID, basically an eating disorder where you find a lot of food repulsive. As a kid I was a typical "picky eater" and I would never finish my food. My parents were too permissive with it and had a rule of 'don't like it, don't eat it'. Cool, I thought, that's exactly what I'll do. So I underate and grew up very fucking thin. It was miserable. Then I had family members who saw how I ate and basically forced me to eat regardless of how much time and distress it would take. They would try scare tactics of 'if you don't eat it, you'll become anorexic and fed by a feeding tube, or you'll die'. It would sometimes succedd but it would usually make me so anxious that I didn't want to eat at all. Do you know how many of them thought that they should encourage me to eat without making it fucking traumatizing? None. Because people don't know how to approach anything in middle grounds, especially family members.

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