CMV: In America specifically California, it is better to be working poor with Section 8, Medi-Cal, and food stamps than it is to be middle class. Work fewer hours too

OK so if the 2 parents are in dead end jobs. then what? work harder but suffer more than 1 parent on government benefits?

Would family number 1 really be happy living of small government hand outs their whole life?

i think there is some humiliation receiving government benefits like "I'll take it since it's free..but I don't want others to know". once you get used to receiving free shit, it's hard to move past that. I'd also like to note when someone receives something without working for it, they don't appreciate it as much. they EXPECT it, but they don't APPRECIATE it. that's why they call it entitlements

how long are they going to keep the whole system going

i think as long as there are tax payers and more poor voters than rich voters, this system would remain in place, although not expand

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