CMV: America is a third world country which solely exists to exploit the working class at the benefit of corporations, and neither political party in the government cares, because they benefit from it too

Finally.. An actual contribution to the thread instead of going all trolling mode with taking the literal cold war definition of '1st world, 3rd world countries' etc. and then saying oh blah blah, we are not apart of that because insert stupidity here.

You are very knowledgeable, Why? Because I have a friend who has came up with the same conclusion on why you just need to adapt. He's from across the pond and has come here for opportunity. He's already doing better than I'm economically, and property wise... While I'm just sitting here criticizing....

I have to talk to him more about this subject... and I need to take advantage of this system like many others are... But my only issue is.. How many others are attempting to do the same as I would like to do? The population has grown significantly and It's not going to be easy, and I'm not saying a challenge is not good... But when others like to kick you down when attempting to climb.. It's not much of a good economic system....

For actually contributing and also changing my attitude towards the whole thing, You deserve this ∆.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent