CMV: The American Republican party doesn't care for American people but only forming a Westernized version of a religious controlled state.

It's funny because the left isn't accused of hating white people. See if all white people vote right wing and they don't vote left, you consider the right to be racist but what does the left do to attract white people? Nothing. It blames them, it uses their money for income redistribution, and does what you did, calls them racist. Basically, blame white men, specifically, is a rallying cry for the left so of course they don't vote left.

As a white male the left wing hates me and I hate them. I'm a cheque book to them.

You attack the family unit when statistics shows kids born with 2 parents do much better than those raised by single mom's which is what the left wing and feminism has created. In the u.k., single mom's now outrank 2 parents raising a kid. This isn't a good thing no matter what independent women say. Much of this is only possible by socialism or income redistribution and terrible divorce laws.

A single mother 100 years ago would now be her father's problem. Today, all laws screw over the man and enable single mothers to declare for divorce at 70% rate over men because they'd win and know it. Nothing here is good. Nothing.

So you attack this suggesting the right focusing on it is bad? Interesting since statistics dont support you. Crime wise, children born to single parents fair worse. They fair worse overall, generally speaking which makes it a social problem the left not only created but ignores.

My reference is Anne coulters new book that goes over this.

The right being called racist is nothing but hyperbole. The left attracts minority votes then does nothing for them. To me, that's racist since they are used as pawns and nothing more.

The left operates in identity politics, the right operates via all. The left considers that racist much the same they would not like the phrase all lives matter. Has to be black, that way, can segregate.

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