CMV: Asian-Americans shouldn't be obligated to support BLM because they "owe it to black people". They don't.

My comment is going to get buried but I’m a first generation Asian born in North America. I support BLM. I also support equality for all races. However, right now the spotlight is on the unfair treatment of black people and how they’re almost immediately discriminated when someone like me may not be.

I’ve had racist remarks before but it’s not the same for the black community. It’s almost a silent racism for them. They’re judge completely on their appearance. They’re not given the same opportunities because a lot of the times they’re aren’t viewed on the same level as a Caucasian or even Asian. I can say that as an Asian, even in a “bad part of town” I’m more likely to be seen as “quiet, obedient, meek - will cause no trouble” and will inspire more “trust” hence more “respect”. Many times, black people don’t even get that - THAT’S the problem - there’s not even a chance for them to show their personalities before their skin colour is judged - that they’re gonna get mad, be difficult, be likely to rebel, be dangerous. It’s unfair. It’s live threatening to them.

If I’m pulled over, chances are I won’t have a gun pulled in my face because of the perception of my meekness. But what about black people? We see video after video of cops “fearing for their lives” because they already thing there’s aggression when the guy being pulled over is speaking a calm voice. If I reached over to my bag to get my wallet to get my license, I’m probably not going to get harassed about possibly concealing a weapon and told to keep my hands in the air. But this isn’t the case for black people. They get yelled at, emotions get heighten - BOTH sides are scared and boom, things escalate.

Yeah I love and respect my own culture heritage but right now the issue is clear - BLACK LIVES MATTER. Right now, this is an important issue that NEEDS to be addressed.

/r/changemyview Thread