CMV: Aside from medical advances, superficial comfort, and easy access to dopamine, the last 400 years of human capitalist development has been a net negative on the human experience and the planet.

I think I’m happier with electricity, running water, abundant food (and there is enough food to feed everyone, we just have a distribution problem), and Saturdays (remember that a weekend is a modern invention). Would I be happier if I worked less? Sure. Would I be working less if I lived 1600 years ago? Unlikely.

So when I wrote this I was trying to write as a "citizen of the world" (not to sound cliche), not just as an African American. Naturally I'm happier than I would've been in 1619, but most likely then I would've still be in Africa tbh and I think that's semantics. I chose 400 years ago because that's when Adam Smith's predecessors began laying the foundation for what would become capitalism in the U.K.

Likewise, you probably work more now than people did back then. Particularly if you don't live in Western Europe.

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