CMV: Before there can be any discussion on reperations for slavery can even begin, there necessarily must be a confirmation of reperations for Native Americans.

Going by your logic, approximately 146 years BC, that's about 2165 years ago the romans conquered, slaughtered and slaved the Greek.

Since this wrong was never righted the Greek should be eligible to reparations from the Italians now.

Since you are a believer in the "orginal sin", which means that wrongdoings and guilt are somehow magically, genetically carried on to the descendants of the perpetrators, if nations were to accept these reparations you are talking about, if they want to be logically coherent, they would also have to adapt their legal system in that children pay for the crimes of their parents. Your dad/mom killed someone on a drunkdrive? You gotta pay for it once they are gone.

For people outside of the discussion it honestly just seems like people are trying to grab the most benefit they can by construeing weird claims to wealth based on historical events.

Since not even 1% of the population held slaves overall (1,4% in 1860 at the peak time of slavery) it wouldn't even make sense to 'punish' all of them for something they didn't do.

To me, it just seems like people are looking for ways to justify their hatred with historical events in their past.

I assume you would want your reparations in the form of taxes, but who would receive and who would pay them any way? Would biracial people pay or get them? Would immigrants from after slavery happened have to pay them? How are you going to verify who, when did what. Who, when, came to this country. Who owned a slave.

It's just not accurately feasable. On top of lacking in morals and humanity to begin with.

/r/changemyview Thread