CMV: Being obese (high BF%) is unhealthy, and it's impossible to be considered healthy or not have adverse effects on your body/lifespan if you're obese, and the body-positivity movement calling for the acceptance of being obese is harmful to society and individuals that take upon this view.

eat 10 days 1200-1300cal and see how much your weight will change. each body is different.. I should eat 2400cal if I go after the typical "your height x your weight x your age = X calories" calculation but it's simple not enough to gain nor maintain weight thx to my muscle mass.

cardio skews people over many times.. you think you burned X amount of calories because some app or machine tells you but that's not accurate enough if you eat 200cal below your maintance.

don't follow diet plans they are total bullshit if you want to lose weight then just eat less calories until you hit your target weight and then slowly eat more until you don't lose weight.

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