CMV: being “out of touch” shouldn’t be a reasonable criticism

Elon Musk tweets about smoking pot in space. He spends millions on a digital photo. Bezos is planning to leave earth as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Woz gave away ten million in Apple stock Jobs refused to give to employees. Jobs’ wife is now the largest donor in the world. Gates and his wife is responsible for numerous aid programs throughout Africa. Any city will have a Carnegie or Vanderbilt theater, race track, or museum. Hospitals are named after men like Rockefeller. Nancy Pelosi has no financial need at all to work, but has been the highest ranking woman official for over a decade as speaker.

Cate Blanchette volunteers her time for Ukraine UNICEF. Jon Stewart for 9/11 responders. William Shea brought the NL to New York (Mets) and built little league fields in Harlem.

Some rich upper crust people are more in touch with society for our greater good. Some smoke weed with Joe Rogan and wreck Twitter employees for little reason.

/r/changemyview Thread