CMV: Being a strong independent woman is no big deal at all.

I think sometimes there's nuisance missing from the conversation though.

Are some people believing they're entitled to a partner for doing basic adult things? Sure. But I think people bring these things up, especially on Reddit, when they ask for dating advice because of how many adults actually can't do basic adult things. And many of these people are in LTRs.

The other thing is, women hear a lot of complaints from men about how tired they are of "gold-diggers" and women who just want them for their resources. So women hear this message, and boast the "strong independent" trope thinking men will find it attractive when we want them, but don't need them.

In the same way men get a lot of mixed messages in regards to what women want, so do women. I think most men actually do want to be needed, they just want women who appreciate them paying for a date or holding the door open etc.

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