CMV: The bodily autonomy argument sucks (abortion)

I'm not going to make barbaric hypothetical claims because the situation we're talking about isn't hypothetical. That's the challenge with you claiming this is a thought exercise while making emotional appeals and decided who gets rights, and who doesn't. That's why the trolley problem is a bad analogy here. If we're asking, "there are five babies tied to a track and the person on the sidetrack is 97-years-old and dying of cancer" you're getting at something different. As you've done, I'd like to borrow a quote from Wikipedia:

In a 2014 paper published in the Social and Personality Psychology Compass, researchers criticized the use of the trolley problem, arguing, among other things, that the scenario it presents is too extreme and unconnected to real-life moral situations to be useful or educational.

Earlier, you said:

I’m simply going after the inconsistency of not allowing abortions later in pregnancy but still championing bodily autonomy.

My position remains the same: abortion on demand, no matter when, no matter why. No one should be forced to remain pregnant if they no longer want to be pregnant. That's what bodily autonomy means.

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