CMV: Business owners should not shoot and kill looters to protect their business

If they’ve decided to break the law then yes it is. The whole but it’s just things doesn’t fly. Even if a general human life is worth more it in no way works as an excuse to allow them to get away with robbing. They were the ones who chose to de value their lives. When they broke in they actively decided their life wasn’t worth the value of what they might gain.

It’s the same reason it’s completely legal to shoot someone who has pulled a knife on you. Once someone has crossed certain lines it is not on the other person to only go that far. Doing that gives the criminal who already the advantage of having even more of a 1.

The kind of thinking you are using does nothing more then favor criminals. It’s also something that’s generally not used by non privileged people who have actual things to lose. The extreme majority of people with that logic would/will suddenly change their mind when they are no longer in the privileged position to think that way.the other group who commonly uses this thinking is the actual criminals because it helps them. Ironically the criminals breaking in couldn’t less about the exact people defending the use of force against them beyond them being useful idiots.

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