CMV: Casual dating (and casual sex) is inherently dehumanizing

Sex may be seen as special but your argument also applies to any action that happens against an individual. It's also a serious crime to beat the shit out of someone. Or to beat an animal. Or abuse your children. Just because sex is sacred does not mean it is dehumanizing to have sex casually. Things are what you make it & this only becomes an issue when it involves morality, a general guiding factor in our society. It is no coincidence that the issues you have with sex are born out of the specific society you're in. If you took a step back and looked at your own life and the reality of others, and history, you would see there is nothing inherently wrong with having sex at all. Inherent is a very tricky word. It allows you to say something is wrong at its core when such a thing is impossible.

Even murder isn't inherently wrong. Only specific intentions are inherently wrong.

Your argument for sex is largely saying "you can't be a good person and also have sex"

Your argument is almost all flawed because it based off of your conditioning.

I can't disagree enough with this argument because I used to see things the exact same way when i was 18/19. (I'm a 25 year old male)

You also act as if people are smart enough to understand their own conditioning( an ironic twist).

Most people do not enter a relationship because they are afraid to be alone. Most people enter a relationship because they think it means something to them. And it does, until you hopefully grow and learn something, none of which you can do unless you give whatever you want a chance.

I used to think the same way and because of it I missed out on so many opportunities. Personally, I am not the type of person to have casual sex. I would honestly rather meet someone special and get to know them but that is because of my life and my past and my values and desires and my previous upsets in love. However I don't apply something inherently true for me to life anymore. This is what you are missing as well.

You are seeing something in a way that is narrow because you're only seeing it from your own perspective. You're not even looking at sex objectively or casual dating objectively.

Sometimes things happen and you don't even know it until it does. A few times in my life I have met woman who came into my life in a casual way and we lasted about 3 to 4 months. Sometimes you just enjoy people's company.

Why is it even wrong to do so? Why would it be wrong to want to get laid?

A woman goes to a bar and a man goes to the bar. Both want to get laid and by 2 am both do. With each other.

It was consensual as soon as the two entered the bar.

If your problem is with intentions, then you have a more solid argument but your argument is really just too much of a blanket statement when it should only apply to specific circumstances.

Things teach us about ourselves and as many people have stated, everything is a means to an end.

All we have is our intentions.

If our intentions are loving and just, the action reflects that.

We love our friends so we want to spend time with them.

Even your argument that not wanting to be alone and doing "x" is flawed because that's just part of being human, regardless of what context.

People don't want to be alone after they get dumped or their father dies. Or they do.

And if they do, someone will probably go "hey, you shouldn't be alone".

You can't make blanket statements and apply your life views on sex to everyone in society when your views on sex and casual dating is a product of the same society.

Your view isn't flawed in the sense that this is how you see life but you don't have an argument and I suspect it is why you've only received 7 or 8 upvotes.

I really am not trying to be rude, I'm trying to be blunt because I wish I didn't think like this when I was younger, and sometimes I still have a tendency to feel this judgement of others when it shouldn't be there, simply because I grew up thinking sex and shame were synonymous

/r/changemyview Thread