CMV:Circumcision should be illegal until a child is old enough to choose for themself, and should be medically discouraged.

Google inductive fallacy.

Astronauts generally get their appendix removed before going to space, not their right arms. We all get vaccines for diseases that have been eradicated, to keep them eradicated. Preventive medicine is used all the time but your comparison makes the idea seem ludicrous.

Following your logic, everyone dies so we should just kill babies once they’re born. Obviously stupid.

Preventive medicine is about balancing risks/cost and reward. Amputating a limb at birth has zero benefits and a huge cost, permanently disabling yourself. Circumcision have very minor benefits and virtually zero cost. One has a net cost, the other a net benefit.

The payoff may not be huge, but it’s in your best interest to be circumcised. If people don’t think the small net benefit is worth it that’s fine, but the amount of shit in here saying it’s only done because of religion or cosmetic is bullshit. The medical evidence speaks for itself, wether or not people listen to it is up to them.

A better comparison would be ordering mandatory appendicitis’ for all babies, that would be an interesting discussion.

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