CMV: Cops are regular people

If your colleague shoots someone while giving dumb, impossible instructions, to conveniently construct a defense for killing because of "fearing for their lives", would you be able to enforce the law on your colleague? There was such a cop that got away with it, more or less. "[...] And like previous videos, a jury acquitted the officer of all criminal charges." He was granted retirement on medical grounds and also $2500 in pension per month.

Would you mind extended education for police? Such as 3 years of education to know and study the law, and de-escalation included? Maybe even screening certain types of people with a penchant for abuse of power?

There was some research on police, showing that police officers have a 40% domestic violence rate, compared to the general population having 10%. Linked article also notes a 2013 article that mentions a distinct lack of research in newer times. Such an interesting statistic is unlikely just to go totally silent and ignored afterwards.

I'm not saying that you or your colleagues are bad, or particularly good. But if you have bad colleagues who cannot behave properly, then there is a problem with your boss. And his boss again.

When more than 10% of the population feels like they are second class citizens, there is probably something going on.

Are cops regular people? Maybe. But that isn't good enough. Cops should be better than regular people, for only they can have state-sanctioned use of violence.

/r/changemyview Thread