CMV: The current discourse surrounding pedophilia and viewing it as synonymous with child molestation is counterproductive and cause for otherwise preventable sexual offences

I'm not going to do that math for you, but according to the VirPed website there are thousands of VirPeds out in society. To contrast that nearly 100k pedophiles are convicted yearly. Most people who study sexual assault of minors would agree its incredibly under reported meaning that even if every VirPed out there is actually non offending (small chance since there have been reports, convictions and allegations made against members of the VirPed community) the rate at which pedophiles offend vs non offend is going to be less than 5,000 for every 100,000 and that's just doing the math based on convictions, if we use the best guess unreported numbers it's much closes to 3500 to 300,000 at the bottom end of the spectrum.

Truly non offending pedophiles are rare, they suffer from a mental health compulsion that will eventually overcome even the strongest willpower. It's an unfortunate part of human nature.

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