CMV: Democratic Socialism (or my version of it) is better than Democratic Capitalism for the most people.

The head of the governments media arm would have too much power.

This is a good point. The media would have to be extremely decentralized, which I don't see as impossible.

Socialism give a monopoly to the government.

The incentive for the abusive behavior practiced by monopolies is lost. Price hikes wouldn't mean anything because all the money is going to go to the government anyway.

Tax evasion

You know, I was really wondering why I put that one. I have no idea.

The government will be the wealthy
I specifically want the government to consist of and be balanced by unfairly high representation of the lowest earning wage tiers, especially whatever bodies are in charge of wages. I suppose that's not inherent in socialism, just my theoretical version of it.

There is also Cooperation in capitalism.There is also Cooperation in capitalism.

Scientists are incentivized to keep their research to themselves. Pharmaceutical companies are incentivized to keep their secrets from millions of qualified chemists who could have access to their ideas. Corporations are spending large amounts of money to spy on each other. 3 small airplanes from 3 different companies will fly a path instead of 1 large plane. Private companies own the electric wires that go through our country.

Capitalist economic systems have historically produced more wealth than socialist

I believe that western capitalism had to happen in order for socialism to be possible. History is not a good guide, because I think the modern form of capitalism taught us some essential values that Soviet Russia and China did not have.

It also isn't a great idea to have 0 unemployment despite what you might think.

I don't know what you mean. I mentioned an "unemployment wage."

Do you want to force us?

That is not a helpful argument. All government is forced, more or less, and people would be interested in whatever best suits them. If you can demonstrate that it is socialism they would (theoretically) pick it. If you can demonstrate that it isn't, they wouldn't. Either way, the question should still be if it is good for them or not.

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