CMV: Developers of games that require their servers to play should be (morally) obligated to compensate players when they eventually shut down servers

First off please don't delete comments and then repost them.

Sorry, but where does it say "it happens a lot, so that makes it part of the contract by proxy"? Where is that a part of contract law?

The provision is expressed within the written contract and it is understood by both parties to be within the contract. Thus, you can't use the ignorance defense as you've been espousing.

I'm not talking about MMOs or online games!

Ok. My argument still stands.

Why not?

Because that isn't the deal the company is offering.

Why shouldn't I be able to play my game forever?

It's not your game.

You keep saying "the community is aware of it so it's okay", but that just isn't an argument.

Yes it is. Let me spell it out for you.

1) You should uphold agreements that you voluntarily consented to and were aware of.

2) Always-online DRM is a well known phenomenon and is a part of certain games.

3) By purchasing a game with always-online DRM you are consenting to abide by the terms and conditions of that DRM.

4) You should follow the DRM.

Something being commonplace or known about does not make it okay!

You seem to be trying to shift the argument from the topic of this post. The question is not whether it is good for companies to create always-online DRMs, but whether of not they should be expected to remove the DRM from their product after it has been released.

People didn't agree with racism just because it happened a lot in the early 20th century.

Don't you think you are blowing this a bit out of proportion.

Sure. Here are a couple articles by well regarded industry press regarding the whole "you don't own your game, you buy a licence to play it" argument. Hint: They do not think it is an acceptable state of affairs, or at the very least, does not err on the side of consumer benefit, which situations like this always should, rather than that of the corporation.

None of these demonstrate that you have a legal right to the games. Rather they acknowledge that you are legally just buying licenses and one of the articles suggest that it might be possible that this will be overturned.

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