CMV: I find difficulty in supporting abortion.

I see, you are the type of person that would find an endangered species of animal, a baby animal, on the side of the road, take it home, put it into a habitable environment, make it dependant on you for food & water.

Then one day you say I didn't consent for this animal to consume all of my food and water so you go outside smash it over the head with a hammer, rip it limb from limb, and drag it out of its habitat and throw it in the garbage.

The Game Warden shows up looks in the garbage and say you know this species is protected and you are going to be charged. Your defense is, I took it home, put it in a habitable environment, made it dependent on my food and water, but "I didn't give consent, its my property"...Yeah, that usually works out real well in cross examination.

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