CMV: the disappearance of Down syndrome in Iceland through abortion is not inherently evil or bad

You brang up all of the negative aspects. But totally disregarded the positive. There are plenty of parents who are willing to take on that challenge regardless of how hard or "sad" it is. Also, a lot of people over exaggerate a universal health care system as if it's not flawed. The long wait lines, the quality in care, and so forth, are just a couple of the issues. I'd be willing to bet there are people out there willing to adopt the children some people do not want. I guess it boils down to opinion on the matter, of course any human being can't comprehend much even at a year old. Just because you aren't out of the womb doesn't mean you aren't human. Research the many ways abortions are done, whether its the vacuuming of the limbs, or anything else inhumane. But back to the point, I don't agree. Humans tend to be selfish and use excuses to not take care of a child instead of finding an alternative. Sounds crazy, but if you aren't willing to deal with the consequences and aren't ready, then don't reproduce.

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