CMV:Donald Trump is a conman and his supporters are gullible fools or willfully ignorant.

It's not fair to compare Trump to Kanye West in this way. Serious people support Trump, to various degrees. He's a successful businessman and a media veteran, and waving these facts away is just ignoring reality.

Part of his media strategy is his New York macho bluster, and it is obviously effective. He knows the anti-establishment audience is full of a lot of inchoate rage, and he plays to it. His audience doesn't demand details and so he avoids them, which lets him stick to his message and avoid blundering into traps. His fans can fill in the details with whatever they prefer, and everyone's happy.

I know reddit hates Trump and thinks everyone who supports him is a bigot or an idiot. That's simplistic, biased thinking - the emotional reaction to his bombastic insensitivity interferes with a rational fact-based assessment.

Trump isn't incredibly sophisticated and erudite. However, he's willing to challenge the establishment groupthink. If there's anyone who can fight the Powers That Be, it's an egotistical billionaire bully who is ready to play rough. In Trumpglish, the establishment - they're killers, they're sharks.

Trump is billing himself as the big, bad killer whale who's going to come in and chomp the sharks in half. To the more cynical among us, that's a lot more viable that counting on Bernie's revolution of the people. Remember Occupy Wall Street? Not much has been said about that revolution of the people in recent years. I don't think it's irrational to be concerned that Bernie will be even more obstructed than Obama, or to think that Trump might actually be able to whip the Congress into shape, the biggest bully in the top bully pulpit.

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