CMV: Donald Trump's rhetoric is responsible for yesterday's attack. The solution, though, is compassion and understanding.

Donald Trump wasted no time in turning last night's tragic events to his own purpose as he described the bombers as "evil losers".

I'm sorry but I am pretty sure that politicians around the world condemned the acts committed last night in Manchester, singling out Trumps remark (which did not mention the religion) as the one that was 'bad' is disingenuous.

Instead, we need to listen to an actual expert on the situation

I would consider the President of the United States an expert on the situation. These are opinions of two people.

Trump and the alt-right treat Muslims like terrorists so now they're lashing out about it and that only re-enforces the right's bigotry.

Its one thing to say that rhetoric has not helped anything, I wont argue this point with you. But it is entirely different to say that this is something new and can be blamed on Trump, or his supporters specifically. The attack last night happened in the UK (not America) and at an Arianna Grande concert (who has repeatedly voiced her hatred for Trump, Trump Supporters, and even America at times). If the evil loser who committed last nights attack wanted to get back at Trump then he sure didn't pick a very good target.

Here's a Wikipedia article on terrorism tied to Islamic beliefs.

Since 1970 20,000+ people have been killed and 50,000+ people have been injured in terrorist acts committed by Islamic extremists. If you contend that terrorism attacks are the fault of Trump and the Alt-Right, a relatively new introduction to the political scene in the world, then how do you account for all of these attacks in all of these countries around the world? This is far more complex then "Well if we stopped calling them terrorists they would stop blowing us up."

We need to drawn out Trump and the alt-right's hateful rhetoric about "evil losers" and instead celebrate Islam as a cherished gift.

Education is good, but that wont stop terrorism by itself. You know what does? Killing the terrorists. You cannot talk to and hug it out with ISIS to make them see the error of their ways. You cannot deny that their ideology is somewhat guided by the view of Islam and that they are using it to justify these acts. It is not accurate to say that every Muslim is a terrorist, but it is equally incorrect to say that Islam is entirely unrelated to these attacks. This is a significantly more complicated issue than "Trump did this, thanks republicans!"

/r/changemyview Thread