CMV: I don't think the debate over abortion has anything to do with women's rights or feminism.

Look if you can’t understand how health effects from not having money is different than having a parasite literally stealing your blood, nutrients or how being forced to provide food for your child is different from being forced to provide body parts for them then there is no purpose to this conversation.

No one is forcing a single mother to stay a single mother and sacrifice her health, she can put her child up for adoption. No you can’t just leave your kid out in the cold, you have to fill out forms. But even in the case where abortion is legal, women who decide they don’t want to give birth and be parents have to undergo certain requirements as well - my state requires an ultrasound, two doctor’s appointments, and counseling on other options before a doctor is allowed to practice medicine. Allowing abortion is continuing current legal practice of letting people have bodily autonomy.

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