CMV: Elon Musk “came out” as conservative to avoid backlash from his sexual misconduct allegations

However, when Musk was asked to comment on the story, he said he needed time to give a complete response, and then instead of actually giving one decided to “come out” as conservative and insinuate that because he was now out and proud that democrats would be trying to write hit pieces on him.

He was never really hated by conservatives and since he announced he was buying Twitter they are on his side. He's described as conservative by the media for a long time now.

Plus conservatives do not use metoo accusations against people just for not being conservatives. Usually conservatives take the side of the accuser when there is undoubtable proof like with Weinstein and Epstein and especially when Kids are involved like with Spacey.

So there is no reason to assume conservatives would suddenly turn on Musk because of this accusation.

/r/changemyview Thread