CMV: Esoteric "energy"/qi/etc. doesn't exist, and practices that claim to manipulate it either don't work better than a placebo or work for reasons other than "energy"

I wondered the same thing about this kind of stuff the other day.
I watched a Reiki ASMR video and it gave me the head tingles and I started to think, "I wonder if that's the feeling people get from it who believe in this stuff and that's part of what they actually like about it?"
And the more I thought about it the more I realized that it doesn't really matter all that much if it's real or not--placebo effect can actually be pretty powerful and if it makes people feel something positive...why not?
Some people take advantage, sure but most people I've known who enjoyed this stuff don't take it too seriously but they still enjoy it.
Hell, I take it all with a huge grain of salt but if someone offers to read my tea leaves or tell me my horoscope I'm all in because there's just something nice about it.

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