CMV: Even if minimum wage laws resulted in a reduction in jobs, I would still want minimum wage laws.

Not trying to attack you personally with this logic but this is the exact same line of reasoning slave-owners would have used upon being told they weren't allowed slaves anymore.

Q: How can you run a farm that you had previously been running with 7 black slaves for no more than the cost of feeding and housing them?

A: You can't. Your business will die and rightly so.

Explanation: if your business can only turn a profit based on the fact that you're not paying your workers then that business has no place in society.

The same argument could be made for many industries. A lot of cheap clothing brands that are HUGELY profitable and rely upon sweatshop labor in Asia WILL go under if regulations are put in place to force them to pay fair wages to their production lines.

Human rights trump your 'right' to run a shitty business leeching off minimum wage workers every time.

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