CMV: Fat acceptance is the same as enabling an addict

Fat acceptance is about not treating others like crap because you simply don't like that they're fat. Fat people are modern totems of poverty and treated like cheap lesser people of society. It seems perfect okay to shame them for "their benefit". I'm sorry but a Fat person is not going to beat their family in a drunken blackout, hit someone in their car while drinking and driving, blackout and put themselves or others in danger thru violence or poor choices. People who are Fat are most likely so due to child molestation or rape. Look it up. They're not eating just to eat. They are eating to mentally create a barrier and be less desirable. Once they get help for their mental health issues because not always is it sexual abuse; one friend of mine became obese after she was attacked being 110lbs. She never wanted to feel like a a rag doll ever again. Basically far acceptance is that people shouldn't be such immature fuckwads and stop ridiculing anyone based on physical features. This is across the board. I think fat people get the worst of it because people see them eating and make a decision that they're making themselves "disgusting". Depression, anxiety, and medication can play such a large role in their illness. But to compare them to drug addicts or alcoholics doesn't sit right with me beings that strung out or blacked out adults cause so much more harm to themselves and their loved ones.

/r/changemyview Thread