CMV: I feel like transwomen demand too much of others by expecting us to accept them as being the same as cis women.

I'm reading over your comment and nothing in there would require a different pronoun.

Gender doesn't match with ID? This is a problem some women face. Being misgendered does not create a requirement for a separate gender pronoun.

Bathroom issues? The only 'bathroom issue' that is a genuine problem is the threat that trans women face from people who harass or assault them. No case has ever been brought forward where a trans woman posed harm to anyone in a restroom. Even the ONE case that conservatives bring up, the Evergreen State incident, was a case of two teens trespassing into a sauna they were not allowed access to, and then complaining that a trans woman named Colleen Francis was in the sauna. No offense was committed in any way, in fact the only people acting inappropriately in this case were the two teens for trespassing, and then demonstrating that they were bigoted by complaining about Colleen's perfectly legal and acceptable behavior in an amenity she was perfectly entitled to access! In what way would bathrooms require a different gender pronoun?

Chromosomal arrangements 'do not fit neatly into male/female'? They are IRRELEVANT to whether someone is male or female. Like I said above, chromosomes are a physical attribute, not a distinguishable marker of gender. Your chromosomes don't define your gender any more than your height does. And, once again, they are literally imperceptible to the naked eye! NO one, ever, has used someone's karyotype to identify them in any social situation ever in the history of our species. Someone's karyotype has about as much relevance to social interaction as whether or not they have an appendix. It is nonsense that people keep bringing them up. And because they are irrelevant to social interaction, nothing about chromosomes would require the use of a different gender pronoun.

There are no issues that would require the use of a different gender pronoun, barring one: the individual in question feels a different pronoun would make them more comfortable in social interactions. That's it. All the examples you've given in no way necessitate the use of a different pronoun.

/r/changemyview Thread