CMV: Free college tuition is not going to help where it's needed.

Are you really trying to say that Bernie isn't tackling the public school problem because it's too hard?

Yes, there're things even Bernie can't talk about. But it's not because he's not courageous or honest. It's because the current situation was created exclusively by democrats and he can't undermine his own party and backers. That would be political suicide.

Doesn't that go against his whole mantra?

I know you know that not everything can be said. Even big mouth Trump can't allow himself to say somethings. Bernie is working to be elected, not to be a political commentator.

Secondly, it is a race related problem but I'm fairly certain black families don't have a monopoly on broken families.

If you're certain of that please do provide sources that prove that I'm indeed wrong. I already showed how bankrupt the institution of family is in minorities. If you do disagree, please, show me statistic that says otherwise.

Lastly, more people going to college is not going to be more productive because it's already been established that degrees don't mean a guaranteed job anymore.

I think I never referred college in my post, but I'll bite. Neither does finish high school gives anyone more prospects of having a job. Menial jobs are outsourced or replaced with technology. Allowing a country to have a certain amount of % of people without a degree is the same that allowing a certain amount of people without a job in the near future. It's almost the same as being a sitting duck.

The reason that the degrees are being devalued is probably because we are making more then enough college graduates to accommodate the demand, maybe because old people are staying in the work, maybe because we've had a economic recession recently, and maybe it is something else, I dunno.

The reason that degrees are being devalued is because of diploma factories. But that's another subject.

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