CMV: From a survival of the fittest, evolutionary, and natural selection perspective, there's nothing wrong with enslavement, especially of another gene pool.

how is it not a HUGE step forward in evolution to be able to force others to work while stealing the fruits of their labor?

As others have said, when you force someone to do ANYTHING they will do the minimum possible. Take a min wage employee vs a decent paid employee. One will not give a shit and do the min to not get fired. The other will work really hard.

But a different perspective is that, when you enslave people you basically remove any chance for them to do something truly great. Doing the min doesn't yield anything great. They can't rise through the ranks and build humanities next greatest thing.

Apes and other animals are not nearly as smart as humans so its not as big of an issue. They do however, when punishing their mind, tend to weigh the benefits the ape brings vs what he did. So to a degree, those apes kinda realize this as well.

/r/changemyview Thread