CMV: Gay guys who sleep around a lot and have unprotected sex (not just anal) who contract HIV shouldn’t receive a lot of sympathy.

People make mistakes, sometimes those mistakes have consequences. Whether or not someone deserves sympathy for their mistake is determined by how fitting that consequence is for that mistake.

For example, I forget to put on sunblock at the beach and I get a sunburn. That’s a proportional consequence. A mundane, annoying consequence for a mundane, dumb mistake.

Having unprotected sex is a mistake. But is the consequence of HIV, a potentially deadly disease, really proportional to that mistake? Maybe herpes or gonorrhea, but HIV/AIDS?

So if you don’t think it’s a fitting consequence, then yes, it does deserve sympathy. If you do think it’s a fitting consequence, then that’s an entirely different matter that I’ll argue, but from the text of your OP it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.

/r/changemyview Thread