CMV: Hassads are Ruining Society

First, I just wanted to thank you for coming to this thread to discuss this topic. Regarding the sources, it wasn't the TAL piece that came out that all of my feelings are based around. They're based around my own interactions, or lack thereof, with this community. And just local pieces that I've been following:

To address the ask: Hassads are putting their own well being ahead of that of their own host communities and that is causing harm is, i believe, true but this doesn't make Hassads are Ruining Society any less true.

I can see the root of this conversation being how we define society and whether they are hurting it.

I believe Hassads are a part of society. There should not be a difference between Host Society vs. Hassad Society. They pay taxes, they are neighbors with non-hassads in these communities, and they use the services provided by the local and federal government. They are, in all ways, a part of the larger 'society' -- voluntarily. And by displacing the communities they embed themselves within and being insular, they are not only not contributing to the society they are a part of but actually hurting it.

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