CMV: Humanity produces geniuses and completely average people, in order to create the greatest geniuses, we should give people equal chances and rights at the beginning of their lives, but slowly retrieve them if they aren't brilliant enough.

They mostly already exist. Profs at universities. Profs supervising graduate students. Film critics. Since we grow in a system, we almost always have a superior.

None of these are really groups though. Not just this, but there is also the issue of assuring that they aren't biased.

"First, the costs could be assumed mostly by taxing great companies whose money goes only into the pockets of the very rich.

This would just cause said companies to leave the country. Not just this, but by your definitions of a genius, many of these super-rich would be considered geniuses (i.e. Bill Gates)

Banks, f-ing banks, they just make money from nothing and get taxed nearly nothing for doing no work at all.

That's a rather simplistic view of them.

We could take banks into our own hands, anybody'a able to print money and make loans from equations well known.

Banks don't print money, it's the government.

Banks serve no purpose except making everybody more indoctrinated and caged into the capitalist system. We can manage our money on our own (collectively) now, it's not the 19th century anymore.

Didn't you just say banks should be nationalized? Now they're useless and should be gotten rid of? There seems to be an issue here. And yes banks serve a useful purpose.

In order to put everybody on relatively the same base when they are born, things like; universal and free healthcare, free education until university, unconditional basic income, basically anything that makes life easier would be given to everybody. Then, guarantee any individual that they will be able to pursue their passions and skills."

Again, all of this would be ridiculously expensive, especially in a larger country like the US. You still haven't really come up with a full solution to paying for all this.

"Money isn't even a real thing, it's just a lure. Money doesn't accomplish anything

Money accomplishes one very useful thing. It acts as a middleman for bartering. Instead of trading 2 loaves of bread for 15 apples, I can pay money for the apples instead. This is a far more streamlined system, since carrying assorted goods around all day to trade doesn't work in today's world.

How hard is it to give education for free.

The main reason it's actually quite hard, is again, cost. There is a reason that most countries that offer free education have major caveats (i.e. significantly higher taxes).

Opinions are rarely objective because a majority of people aren't informed about what they're talking about.

Actually, they're rarely objective because people have emotions. Even if we're dealing with someone who is an expert in their field, they still might not have purely objective views.

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