CMV: Humans are devolving because we've gotten to good at dodging natural selection

First of all, natural selection is not the only form of selection operating. There is also sexual selection. And that is operating just as strong as it was 500,000 years ago. It reduces the number of sickly or deformed individuals in the population, as sexual selection will mean that the opposite sex does not select such people for mates, so such individuals do not pass on their genes to the next generation. Sexual selection is probably the main reason humans today are quite a bit taller than 2000 years ago.

Second point. Natural selection is not about superior traits and eliminating impurities, but about fitness. It is survival of the fittest, not survival of the superior or pure. Fit means fitting well into ecological niches and living long enough to reproduce. Note also that evolution is about populations, not individuals. A fit population not only fits well into its ecological niche, it also has a great deal of variation, so it can withstand changes to the environment as well as changes in its competition.

> Humans don't have natural predators.

Oh yes they do. There are of course bacteria and viruses, and large carnivores. Here in Colorado humans are not the top predator. We have to leery of mountain lions, coyotes, and bears.

> believe in the idea of genetic superiority. Just take a look at anybody who competes at the Olympic games

The people who tend to win are not because of a general genetic superiority, but because they are part of a highly varied population, and happen to be unusual humans in that their musculature and other traits are especially suited to particular sports.

>or those who win the novel peace prize.

Are you claiming that people like Al Gore and Obama and Nelson Mandela are genetically superior? In which way?

/r/changemyview Thread