CMV: The idea that violence against women is somehow worse than violence against men is based sexism and Bs

My guess is that it has more to do with male attitudes towards violence against men.

I’m going to focus on sexual violence, because I think violence overall is too broad.

If you accept the prevailing theory, that men drastically underreport sexual assault and rape - especially straight men, it’s hard to talk about something that the victims are quite literally not talking about. Like to anyone.

Additionally sexual violence laws, while they apply to men, are written with women victims in mind. They are also written, in many cases, to assume a male perpetrator. With reason, obviously. As such, prosecutors don’t like sexual assault and rape cases as a rule - they’re very difficult to get convictions on. There is almost no chance a prosecutor would charge a woman for raping a man if he was too drunk to consent - as an example.

The laws need to be updated so that it’s easier to hold someone accountable for non-penetrative assault against adult men. But that would require talking about it. And I just don’t think masculine culture is set up for that to take place. Because of sexism, homophobia, misogyny - take your pick.

More men need to speak up and more men need to believe and support them.

/r/changemyview Thread