CMV: If you spit in a tube for, you forego unconditional family loyalty

I probably wouldn’t turn in my family members for most murder scenarios. Blood is thicker than water or whatever.

Except that is just your personal opinion and has no bearing on another persons feelings of loyalty. you're trying to force others to only use your definition which is bs.

You can't say that your definition of loyalty is THE ONE there are several others and my definition of loyalty to the family where turning someone in for murder no matter is also perfectly valid.

Turning in your family members for a crime is as close to the definition of disloyalty as you can get.

No it's not, again you are trying to just say that other peoples definition of a word is not the right one which is bs. you can't say that loyalty can mean anything at all which you try to devolve my argument into, but you can say that it means what it means, which is support of x such as support of ones family.

You can support your family a.k.a being loyal to your family without being loyal to a single member of it that is a murderer.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent