CMV: If you’ve criticized Colin Kaepernik then it’s safe to say you would’ve done the same with MLK.

I just wanna say you don't sound like someone whos willing to debate in a honest mindset. You took a little bit of weak wording from the person that replied to you and then went off on some extreme tangent, placing the complete burden of proof on his claims and not yours. The person you responded to, just said that racism is not as codified as it once was and thus the expectation that protests against racism do so only against specific codified laws is unrealistic.

There is literally tons of literature on laws that were in the past racist. And now currently the fight is not against racist laws but a much more insidious, less obvious racism. The racism is obvious on a statistical level but never on any personal level. Which is partly why even amongst those who want to fight the problem, there's not only a thousand different ideas of how to fight but a thousand different idea of even what to fight.

And examples of racist laws (I don't necessarily agree that they are racist but some people see them that way, he'll I'm not even American and even I know of these examples, which is partly what makes me think you aren't participating in good faith) - the laws regarding voter registration, the laws about how voting districts are drawn up, having so much power in the hands of your employers is kinda unheard of in other parts of the world

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